As I type, Dave is packing boxes, and Judah is taking a bottle. Rain is pitter pattering outside and Johnnyswim is playing on the record player.
For 8 years now, I’ve lived in Alabama. A Virginia native originally, I quickly learned that though Virginia is technically a Southern state, there is a Southern culture that I had never been exposed to. In Alabama, somehow everyone is connected. The tea is sweeter, and so is the hospitality. The history is as deep as the state’s location. Tradition is the foundation for why things are done, and how things are decided. Yet there are those that break tradition, and thus new traditions are made. There is a richness here that I’ve yet to find anywhere else. Sharing a recipe is like sharing a special secret. You know you’ve gained trust with someone when you’re given a list of ingredients and directions about how to create their favorite dish. Smiles and waves are common occurrences and given freely among any community you find yourself in.
I’ve fallen head over heels in love with Alabama. From the gardenias that bloom in the Spring, to the way football season buzzes with excitement. Sundays are slower here, and a home cooked meal is a prize to be appreciated. I’ve fallen in love here. I met my husband here. I started my photography business here. I birthed my son here. I’ve met so many of my favorite people here.
Alabama is so special to me.
Many of you know that my husband is a worship pastor. Overflowing with musical ability, and teeming with talent, He is the most humble man I’ve ever known. This year he has been so faithful in his calling and the Lord has opened up a door for my sweet husband.
Dave has recently accepted a position as lead Worship Pastor for Fellowship Community Church in Roanoke, Virginia.
We are absolutely THRILLED for this new adventure. It’ll be so sweet to be near my family again. Nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, Roanoke has been nicknamed the “Magic City” and I’m so excited to discover what magic is waiting for us there.
It’s a bittersweet transition. Leaving Alabama feels full of so many emotions. As we’ve processed and prayed, God has been ever faithful to make it clear: we are meant to trust Him with this.
So, trust Him, we will.
As a faithful reader, client and/or follower of Anna Filly Photography, I know you probably have countless questions. I’ll do my best to answer a handful of them below, but don’t hesitate to reach out if any more arise.
Thank you for doing life with me. I am so grateful for you.
- Will you still do photography?
- YES. I love my job. I am so grateful that I’ve been able to grow a business in Mobile, Alabama, Oneonta, Alabama and now Roanoke, Virginia. It’ll be hard at first, but I cannot wait to see how the Lord grows my business in this new location.
- Fall Mini Sessions
- As you know, Fall Mini Sessions are one of the most DESIRED sessions of the year! That being said, I need to hear from you!
- If you’re in Mobile, would you like me to offer a last minute day of minis? It would be towards the end of October. Email me at hello@annafilly.com!
- If you’re in Oneonta, I’m offering ONE day of Mini Sessions so be on the lookout for them!
- Current Clients
- There will be no additional fees for travel or lodging for my current clients. All of my currently booked weddings, events and sessions will still go on as planned.
- Future Clients
- I will be making plans to serve future clients in Alabama. I will be taking limited Alabama weddings and *hope* to have future “mini session days” once or twice a year.
Your work amazes me, that much talent wrapped up in such a little package. God is Good.
Your work amazes me, that much talent wrapped up in such a little package. God is Good
And since you moved here, we got to become friends! Yayyyy!
Also, how cute is grandma Joan!?