I’m new to the whole “MFUGE Staffer” thing. In preparation for camp, staffers get to know eachother by posting their testimony, a few fun facts & where they are now in their life. We sophisticatedly call this the “Journey Update”. Today was my day to post, so I thought I’d share it with you since I realize I’ve never done posted my story on this here web blog ( this last sentence was meant to be read in the most country voice possible, just saying’)
I live in small town Powhatan, Va. My Dad pastor’s a church there & has been for the last 20 years. I have one younger sister & she is the bomb dot com. We lead worship & youth group together & I wouldn’t have it any other way. My parents are super fab. We’re a crazy, fun, outgoing bunch and such people persons…. People peoples? People people? Oh well, you get the point 🙂
I hate cats, but own one. It’s cool though, because he thinks he’s part dog & part ninja. His name is Aero, short for Aragorn Strider (Nerd alert. Any LOTR fans out there?). I have my Associates degree, & am currently not in school. I spend a lot of my time working, doing ministry (leading, teaching, growing, investing), traveling, striving to be the Christian brunette version of Martha Stewart (minus the jail time) & falling more in love with music.
My Story:
Being raised in a Christian home, I accepted Christ at a young age. But I didn’t pursue a relationship with him until much later. As a pastors kid, I was constantly under a microscope. So I did what a lot of people do, I put on the fake “Sunday smile” & made sure to always keep it on. Since it was known all over my small town that I was a PK, I quickly realized I had to keep the smile on 24/7 & not just at church. I was a perfectionist & a people pleaser. In a twisted way, felt like I had to constantly keep those around me smiling & be “perfect” in order to be loved & respected.
In high school I developed an eating disorder in attempts to “look perfect”. I was very active in high school socially & musically & kept my struggles to myself. I had a reputation for loving Jesus & I wasn’t afraid to share Him with others, but I didn’t live my life for him. Music was my outlet to my insecurities. What I couldn’t admit, or say aloud, came out in song. I sang at coffee shops & led worship on Sundays. But over time, singing became very difficult for me. After a while, I couldn’t sing at all. I learned that the bile from my bulimia had severely damaged my vocal chords, & it broke my heart.
I couldn’t stand how unhappy I was, with my life, my appearance, my hypocrisy & myself. My prayers became desperate & I begged God to give me back my voice, but more importantly – to give me a fresh start. His reply was simple & clear as day, “Give me your heart.” So I did. He showed me that being a Christian was so much more than doing the right thing & saying the right thing, it was about having the right heart. I rededicated my life to Him & have been passionately pursuing Him ever since.
Along with giving me back my voice, Christ gave me a deep passion to make known the dangers of “sitting on the fence” & in the “luke warm waters” of Christianity. (Matt. 12:30) I spent so many years thinking I was “in” when I wasn’t. I was in Church, in knowing about Jesus, but I wasn’t in CHRIST (2 Cor. 5:17). God took my voice, so He could give me His. God is so good, so gracious; I am so in love with my Savior.
Fun Facts:
-I love photography. I’ve always been “the girl with the camera”, but I didn’t start appreciating the art of it until a few years ago. My best friend is a photography major, & in high school (when she knew I was struggling with my self image) she asked if she could take a few pictures of me for her portfolio. I agreed, & after I saw them I was stunned. They were amazing. She laughed & said “I wanted you to see you the way I see you… beautiful.” Since then, my appreciation for what she did has turned into determination to do the same for others. I want others to see themselves the way Christ does- beautifully & wonderfully His. & I must say- I’m super psyched to be your photographer this summer!
– If making funny/weird faces were a job, I’d be making millions…. with benefits.
-I love to bake & cook. But more so, I just love food. I’m the girl that never orders the same thing twice & always tries new things
– I am ubberly energetic, optimistic & passionate. I also talk really fast. Let me apologize in advance. 🙂
– I love people, building relationships & cry with happiness when people get saved, baptized, or adopted. Not ashamed.
Only a month & a day away guys!
I’m a big LOTR fan. 🙂
YES! aha me too 🙂
You make my heart burst with joy. You’re such an encouragement and a grand sister to have in Christ 🙂 I’m baffled how meeting you turned into the friendship we have today. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Not only good luck to you this summer Anna , but also Good Works. I know throughout what i’ve seen that you are going to put the M in Missions in Charleston!
I adore you 🙂 xoxo
You fill my heart with joy! Anna i am so blessed to have you apart of my life and that we could be firm sisters in Christ 🙂 I not only wish you good luck, but I wish you good works! From what i’ve seen in you i am fully knowledgable of how you indeed will put the M in Missions at the Mission Site of Charleston!